Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ava Pearl

Yesterday Ava turned 8 months old. Today she clapped her little chubby hands for the first time. She wants to play patty cake over and over and over. As I write this she is sitting in the floor, singing and clapping her hands. She also learned to make noise come out of a recorder today. Exciting, but not quite as cute as the hand clapping.


  1. Yay, A Pearl! Ethan said, "Aw!" Then he ran in here to see your blog and was disappointed that there are no pictures.

  2. Savor every moment. Hi,Rebekah I came to visit via your Mama's blog. High priced lattes...yes please!

  3. Hi Rebekah! I have read your mom's blog since about the time Nora was born! She inspired me to start a blog and has been such a "friend" to me along the way!

    Your profile is so lovely written!

    I am glad you have started a blog! I will keep reading!
    Your girls are adorable!


  4. she is just precious... i have seen her adorable photos on your mama's blog! :)

  5. What's more wonderful then that? :) I came to visit from your mom's blog. We need pictures of that wonderful baby!
